Colleen Muskat

Colleen Muskat

Family Support Therapist & Senior Addiction Counselor

Colleen is the family support therapist at Freeman House.  She is founder and owner of Recovery Online and Alpha Treatment & Support. Colleen is in addiction recovery herself (in remission from Substance Use Disorder – the correct term used in the DSM5) and has been clean and sober since 4/20/2011.  In that time, she has dedicated her life to helping countless alcoholics, addicts, and family and friends affected by the scourge of addiction. She’s worked at Freeman House since August 2022, and runs her private practice from Sandton, South Africa, and works online with international clients.

Colleen is a registered and qualified Level 3 Addiction Counselor and therapist, with over 12000 hours of counseling experience in drug and alcohol treatment centres, and Halfway Houses (for People in early sobriety). She has vast working experience internationally, including in the United States of America, Los Angeles, Malibu, Chang Mai, Thailand, Singapore, and Lusaka, Zambia in Africa.

She is also a Recovery Coach, International substance abuse concierge, a Sober Companion and family support therapist. Visit her on to read some of the glowing testimonials from clients across the globe, who value her professional treatment and support.

If you or someone you love is in trouble with alcohol abuse or drug abuse (including prescribed medicine such as sleeping medication, anti-anxiety medication, or diet pills), please reach out to me. I can help you and point you in the right direction.  There is always hope. Don’t despair. Together we can do so much more!

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