Alan Freeman
Alan Freeman
After 26 years in the hospitality industry, managing several businesses, Alan is passionate about raising the bar of addiction recovery treatment with a high-end inpatient rehab. “Having run nightclubs and bars for so many years, I felt like I was part of the problem of alcohol and substance abuse, and I felt compelled to be a part of the solution.” Alan brings his expertise in hospitality and catering to transform the traditional rehabilitation experience into one that treats clients with the dignity and care that he believes is often missing from some inpatient treatment centers. “I believe we need to treat a person on all five levels of human experience, which are social, spiritual, psychological, emotional, and physical. That means creating a holistic experience that looks at food, accommodation, and comfort levels as well as all the elements of an addiction recovery program. ” Freeman House Recovery was inspired by luxury addiction centers around the world to create a support-intensive, results-driven kosher recovery center that brings the peace, quiet, and healing of South Africa to the addiction recovery experience.